There are many styles of engagement rings women find attractive. Some women like round cut stones while other women prefer emerald cut. One lady loves yellow gold while the next cannot stand yellow gold and demands platinum! With so many options readily available, women can virtually choose their entire ring from the ground up. The trick is to help get your man on the same page as you are. Here's the trick:
Before you go any further, you must make sure your jeweler is on board with this process because it is a lengthy one. This plan begins long before you think your boyfriend is going to propose. You must casually mention your favorite jewelry store a lot. You make sure and point it out when you drive by it together and mention how you need to get your class ring cleaned or sized soon. Eventually, when you mention you have been to the jewelry store, he will immediately get a visual of the store and it will feel comfortable and familiar to him. This is necessary for when he gets the idea himself to go look at engagement rings. He will automatically drive to your favorite store without any thought about it. That is the crucial part. Meanwhile, you have given your jeweler and the entire staff the features and options you must have in your ring. The staff will do their best to steer him in the right direction for your diamond engagement ring when he goes to buy it.