Sunday, December 29, 2013

Loose Diamonds: The Four C's That You Must Know

If you are in the market for a shiny diamond, then you should be aware of what to look for when shopping for these valuable gemstones. There are four C's of loose diamonds everyone should learn before venturing into a jewelry store to make that purchase.

Loose Diamonds Louisville, KY

The first C stands for Cut. This refers to the overall shape the diamond possesses and also the number and designs of facets that are cut into the stone. The facets reflect light and give it the sparkle everyone loves. The second C is Clarity. Since diamonds are formed naturally, they are rarely perfectly flawless. Most diamonds have varying degrees of flaws which are referred to as inclusions or blemishes. Most of these blemishes are invisible to the naked eye and will not affect its price tag too much.

The third C is Color. Most people usually purchase white diamonds, which actually lack color all together. However, there are many colors of diamonds: black, pink, brown, yellow, and blue. The final C of diamonds is Carat, or carat weight. This is a unit of measurement used to weigh your stone - the bigger the carat, the bigger the diamond. As you browse countless certified loose diamonds, keep all four of these factors in mind.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Jewelry Stores Facilitate Love for the Holiday Season!

While walking through your local mall, you will likely encounter a variety of jewelry stores. These stores will showcase gorgeous diamond rings in order to lure you into their establishment to buy said rings. The fact of the matter is, only true love sells jewelry. Sure, you can think that people buy diamond jewelry because they like it and think it is pretty, but the truth is, they love it! There is no better way to show someone you truly love than by giving them a gift of a diamond necklace, a pair of earrings, or a ring.

It is so incredibly important that a diamond ring is given to a woman by her man as he proposes marriage. This ring symbolizes the promise that he will put yet another ring on her finger as they exchange vows and become married. There is nothing in the world like knowing that you have found your true love, someone to to enjoy for the rest of your life. Through thick and through thin, you will travel through this life with a partner in crime. There is no better feeling in the world than knowing that you have someone on your team willing to go to bat for you, no matter what happens.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Jewelry Stores: Be Appreciated When You Spend

This holiday season, take the time to make an educated decision as to which stores you wish to give your hard earned money. Many stores donate a portion of their proceeds to charity and, depending on your beliefs,you may want to take your business to the Jewelry store of your choosing. From jewelry stores to toy stores, every single penny you spend in their establishment is much appreciated. In this day and age, you most certainly should not have to settle for poor customer service when there are hundreds of other stores right around the corner who would value your business that much more.

Since our economy has plunged into the sewer, people all over our great nation are being stingier with their money. This means that sellers must stand out from the crowd in order to attract the attention of buyers. Under no circumstances should an employee be rude or indifferent when you are trying to spend your money in their establishment. They should go above and beyond to impress you with their customer service and their products. If they fail to do this simple task, then you have the American right to take your business elsewhere, where it will be more appreciated. Money is too valuable to throw away.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Give the Gift That Makes Every Parent Proud: Family Jewelry

Every child wants to give their parents special presents for Christmas each year. When we are little, a simple handmade card is all it takes to make any parent tear up. When we are in our rowdy teenage years, maybe just saying, “I love you” or helping with the dishes Christmas morning is enough. College can be hard on any family, and many times we are separated for the holidays during these long school years. Even during Christmas. So, showing up to surprise everyone on Christmas Eve is the best present any parent could ever ask for!

The desire to give our parents special presents doesn’t just end here however. We eventually graduate from college, move on to our careers, and inevitably start our own families. The desire to give the ones we love wonderful presents each year just grows as we get older. Having our own children puts this into perspective even more. So, as we get older and wiser, what do we do for the parents who gave us everything? What could we possibly give to them to show our gratitude, love, and admiration?

Family jewelry is always an incredible option. We aren’t just talking about little gold stick figures resembling Mom that are bejeweled with everyone’s birthstones either. We are talking about one of a kind family jewelry this is unique and sentimental. Like, gorgeous white gold lockets for Mom that are engraved with something special on the back. Or, gold plated cufflinks for Dad that are etched with the family’s last name. The kind of jewelry that both of your parents will enjoy for a lifetime, and maybe even pass down to their grandchildren!

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Friday, December 6, 2013

Loose Diamonds: Famous Diamonds on Display

There are several famous loose diamonds in the world today. One of the most famous is located in the Smithsonian Museum in Washington, DC. People have called this diamond the Hope Diamond for many years now. While it has had a few different names in the past, the current name probably won’t change again. The Hope Diamond is incredibly large, weighing in at a striking 45.52 carats.  However, this diamond is said to be cursed. Many of its owners were murdered, were executed, or committed suicide. This may just be a coincidence, but the Smithsonian seems to be doing just fine having possession of the monster diamond.

Another famous diamond is the Taylor-Burton diamond. Weighing in at over 69 carats, this diamond boasted one of the biggest price tags the world had ever seen in jewelry. Richard Burton purchased this expensive diamond for Elizabeth Taylor in 1979, when they simultaneously announced their engagement. After his passing, she sold the diamond for 2.8 million dollars (over twice the original cost).

The Hortensia is a peach-colored diamond that is on display at the Louvre in Paris. It was named for the queen of Holland – who was the stepdaughter of the infamous Napoleon Bonaparte – and weighs twenty carats. Another remarkable diamond that can be seen at the Louvre is the Regent diamond. This 140.50 carat monstrosity has donned the hilts of Emperors' swords and was a coveted member of the French Crown Jewels. Although there are many large diamonds on display, there are also a number of gems that have gone missing or simply have not been discovered.