Some of the most popular shows on TV these days aren’t comedic sitcoms or a reality-numbing series of housewife after housewife. These days people are tuning in and taking a liking to a much different style of television. Shows featuring antique hunting, classic treasure finding, and old-world artifact trade have overrun more than a few DVR’s. People love watching someone dust off an old jewelry box, only to open it and find an incredible piece of jewelry from the 1920’s lying inside. What they love even more than that is tuning in to find out how much the jewelry is worth!
Antique, vintage, and classic jewelry appraisals have shot up in recent years. It seems everyone is on the hunt for era-inspired jewelry from days of old. Attics, garages, and basements around the world have been invaded by bounty hunting fanatics everywhere. Antique shops, estate sales, and back-road yard sales have been overrun with treasure hungry enthusiasts ever since the notion that anyone could make a fortune off vintage jewelry was put into their heads.
Just be wary of who you take your finds to. Some people will see a piece they like for themselves and undervalue your pieces on purpose. Then, there many people who simply just don’t know what they’re looking at. It’s never a bad idea to get a second jewelry appraisal opinion, so to speak. Research online and ask experts through various internet connections. Someone in Japan may recognize that strand of pearls from the 1800’s that the guy down at the local jewelry shop told you was a fake!
Antique, vintage, and classic jewelry appraisals have shot up in recent years. It seems everyone is on the hunt for era-inspired jewelry from days of old. Attics, garages, and basements around the world have been invaded by bounty hunting fanatics everywhere. Antique shops, estate sales, and back-road yard sales have been overrun with treasure hungry enthusiasts ever since the notion that anyone could make a fortune off vintage jewelry was put into their heads.
Just be wary of who you take your finds to. Some people will see a piece they like for themselves and undervalue your pieces on purpose. Then, there many people who simply just don’t know what they’re looking at. It’s never a bad idea to get a second jewelry appraisal opinion, so to speak. Research online and ask experts through various internet connections. Someone in Japan may recognize that strand of pearls from the 1800’s that the guy down at the local jewelry shop told you was a fake!